Day Care Creche & Child education Initiative
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When you enter the compound of WW’s Gudi Mudi weaving centre in Maheshwar, the first thing you will see is a large open room with a group of children happily drawing, painting or dancing, supervised by our dedicated crèche co-ordinator.
Our simple day care creche is provided for the children of spinners and weavers working with Gudi Mudi. Whilst their Mothers and Aunts work, the children are safe and happy, and given activities to help engage and stimulate their cognitive and emotional development. This early childhood education of more than 130 youngsters is sponsored by WW.
For the Women, knowing that their children are safe, close-by, and well-taken care of, is invaluable. It enables our women weavers to concentrate free from worry, on learning, training and optimising their livelihood opportunities as part the Gudi Mudi project.